DIY sew these beautiful patchwork Current/Elliot-look-a-like jeans with Threadhead TV. Even if you wanted to pay the price for these designer jeans, they are sold out on Anthropologie, Barneys, and other high-end retailers. You can see why – they are awesome. With some time and a few supplies, you can DIY these for $20-$30, depending if you already have denim ready to upcycle or not.
(besides the obvious sewing machine, ruler, scissors)
1 pair jeans as your base
3 different shades of denim (wrong side of denim fabric will be your 4th shade)
2 spools topstitching thread
1 spool navy thread (jean preferable)
Jeans/denim sewing machine needles
TWIN sewing machine needle (MAKE SURE YOU GET THE RIGHT SIZE AS THE WRONG SIZE WAS SHOWN IN VIDEO. Correct size would be 6.0/100 for inseams).
If you’d rather read instructions than watch, here’s my Instructables tutorial:
Facebook: Threadhead TV
#joann #hobbylobby #embroideryhack #bernina #sewingtips #DIYdenim
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